
Goncharova Yana Alexandrovna Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD
Melnichuk Olga Petrovna Врач гинеколог-эндокринолог, высшей категории, врач УЗД, стаж работы 17 лет
Hrynda Ihor Evgenovich Врач гинеколог, хирург, репродуктолог, высшая квалификационная категория, стаж работы – более 16 лет


In the Medical Centre Clinic Nova we have an office for hysteroscopy. All conditions for qualitative diagnostics and small surgical interventions are created - experienced doctors, modern medical equipment, and an established diagnostic and therapeutic process.

In hysteroscopy we use endoscopic equipment from European company Brightfield Endoscopes. This endoscope has a small outer diameter and weight, which allows the operation without the expansion of the cervical canal and minimal traumatism in the most complex diagnostic studies.

Hysteroscopy can be performed both in day hospital and outpatient conditions (office hysteroscopy). During the procedure various methods of anesthesia are used, depending on the complexity and purposes of manipulation, as well as the condition of the patient. After the procedure, the patient feels a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen, possibly a small bleeding. Complications with hysteroscopy are practically not recorded.

Hysteroscopy in Clinic Nova is Standards and quality of future medicine